Agile + DevOps USA 2024 - Agile Engineering & Development

Sunday, October 13

Jeff Payne

Fundamentals of AI—ICAgile Certification (ICP-FAI)

Sunday, October 13, 2024 - 8:30am to Monday, October 14, 2024 - 5:00pm

Foundations of DevOps—ICAgile Certification

Sunday, October 13, 2024 - 8:30am to Monday, October 14, 2024 - 5:00pm
Jeff Pierce

Agile Fundamentals - ICAgile Certified Professional (ICP)

Sunday, October 13, 2024 - 8:30am to Monday, October 14, 2024 - 5:00pm

Monday, October 14

Philip Daye

Leveraging Generative AI for Software Productivity

Monday, October 14, 2024 - 1:00pm to 4:30pm

Executive leaders across the globe have been asking a relatively simple yet profound question: Can we leverage generative AI to transform our business, enterprise, or industry? For software-based companies, focus has either been on differentiating their product and service offerings using this new technology. But how about leveraging generative AI to improve team productivity and efficiency? This may be possible but how do you measure its success? What are some of the key use cases within business analysis, development, and testing that software teams can use? Are there any pitfalls...

Rob Myers
Agile Institute

Essential Test-Driven Development with AI/LLM Assist: A Hands-On Workshop

Monday, October 14, 2024 - 1:00pm to 4:30pm

Will AI take over developer and tester roles? Rob's investigations found that an AI/LLM bot can write effective implementations but will need very clear, descriptive specifications. Yes, we humans will need to write the tests first! Test-Driven Development (TDD) has allowed developers to do just that—to "think in tests"—for over 25 years. TDD combines engineering specification, developer testing, coding, and design in a fast feedback cycle that greatly reduces defects, debugging, and rework. Test-driven teams write a failing automated test that defines new behavior, then the "...

Tuesday, October 15

Rob Myers
Agile Institute

Wrangling Your Untested Legacy Code: A Hands-On Workshop

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 - 8:30am to 12:00pm

Although most agile developers would prefer to use Test-Driven Development (TDD) on everything, their products or systems usually contain existing untested "legacy" code which resists and stifles good TDD practices. Untested code is easily broken and can hide those defects for months. Even with TDD, a developer adding new behaviors to legacy code can quickly run into problems when that untested code must change. Characterization Testing (i.e., testing existing behaviors) is the ancillary technique that allows teams to strengthen their safety net of fast, automated tests. But adding tests...

Wednesday, October 16

Nathan Hamiel
Kudelski Security

Everything Old Is New Again: Using What We Already Know for a Safer Future

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - 8:30am to 9:45am

Our world is filled with complexities and unknowns, and when these collide with emerging technologies, the resulting risk seems insurmountable. We accept this increased risk as a cost of using the new technology, assuming that previous lessons learned don’t apply and that a blank slate is required to gain the most benefit. However, this never turns out to be true. Time and time again, we realize that much of what we already know is still relevant to these emerging technologies, regardless of how advanced or paradigm-shifting they are. This is good news for reducing the risk in innovation...

Jonathon Wright

AutoOps: How Generative AI and Prompt Engineering Turn Engineers into Superheroes, Not Replace Them

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - 10:30am to 11:30am

Envision a DevOps realm infused with AI-driven superpowers, where a reliable AI companion revolutionizes the way we approach development. This companion doesn't just assist; it transforms the adventure of creating software that spanning the full spectrum of SDLC possibilities and pinpointing bugs in the most unexpected places. This is the essence of AI-augmented with human-in-the-loop, a paradigm where AI elevates engineers to maestros, orchestrating a symphony of enhanced augmented subject matter intelligence. By turbocharging the testing process to be quicker, smarter, and more efficient...

Charlotte Chang
WillCo Tech

Don’t F*ck Up the Culture: Operationalizing Experiences for Customers and Employees

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - 10:30am to 11:30am

In a world full of choices, both consumers and employees are inundated with numerous options. How we allocate our spending power, time, and money reflects our thoughts and emotions, all of which are heavily influenced by our experiences. Yet, it's all too common that the experiences offered by companies for both customers and employees are disconnected from the core mission of creating successful products. The methods used by organizations to measure these experiences often fall short, with employee experience reduced to an annual, self-funded Top Workplace Survey, and customer...

Patrick Gladney
US Army Corps of Engineers

Enhancing Agile and DevOps Practices: Leveraging Postman API Software for Enhanced Testing Efficiency in Tackling Real-World Challenges

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

In today's fast-paced software development environment, regression testing stands as a crucial yet resource-intensive endeavor. An instance illustrating the resource-intensive nature of regression testing involved Patrick Gladney's team attempting to conduct tests across 13 distinct production servers. The challenge was compounded by the uncertainty surrounding malfunctioning servers, of which they remained unaware until customer complaints surfaced, indicating an inability to perform transactions within the application. Leveraging his expertise in software testing and cybersecurity...

Jen Krieger

AI & The Impact on How We Work

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - 1:45pm to 2:45pm

Our industry has been transformed by new technologies, radically changing how we work. Thirty years ago, deployment cycles took 3-5 years; today, they happen in seconds. This rapid pace is largely due to our focus on investing in tools that boost developer productivity. We're still driven to create tools that simplify developers' work and make it easier for others to join the field. Many companies are heavily invested in enhancing productivity. However, the abundance of productivity tools doesn't automatically lead to increased productivity. Companies need to examine and adapt their...

Aaron Evans
One Shore

Becoming the Bottleneck - Embrace the Challenges of Testing in an Agile Environment

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Testing has a bad reputation for being slow & costly. Speed, price, quality—pick two, right? How can we ensure that testing does not become the bottleneck? We first have admit that we have a problem, and then look at the root causes of why testing is slow and expensive. Among these are: lack of clear requirements and priorities, unclear testing processes and delivery procedures, misaligned goals between product, development, QA, & Ops teams, unreasonable expectations (such as 100% test coverage), inefficient (or unreliable) test automation, lack of ability to parallelize...

Paromita Sarkar
Voya Financials

Gen AI: A Co-Pilot to Better Value Sooner, Safer, and Happier in Digital Transformation

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Integrating Generative AI (Gen AI) across the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) signifies a pivotal shift in digital product development, promising enhancements from planning to maintenance. This session explores this cutting-edge approach, revealing Gen AI's capacity to automate tasks, refine product quality, and elevate non-functional attributes like security and usability. From analyzing user feedback for feature development to auto-generating code and optimizing deployment strategies, Gen AI streamlines processes, boosts efficiency, and ensures robust, user-centric products. It...

EPAM Systems
Jen Krieger
Nathan Hamiel
Kudelski Security
Charlotte Chang
WillCo Tech
Jeff Payne

Panel: How AI is Revolutionizing the Entire SDLC

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - 4:30pm to 5:30pm

Artificial Intelligence is transforming the software development life cycle, reshaping processes, and redefining best practices across the board. This is not just a trend—it's a game-changer. Join our dynamic panel of top-tier experts representing Agile, DevOps, software testing, security, and product development as they dive into how AI is impacting everything from code to culture. What does this mean for your projects, teams, and career? Bring your questions, and together we'll explore the challenges and opportunities AI brings to software development. We’ll use Slido to collect your...

Thursday, October 17

Justin Beall

From Concept to Code: Leveraging LLMs for Agile Excellence

Thursday, October 17, 2024 - 10:15am to 11:15am

Unlock the next level of agile and XP development by integrating Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot across the software development lifecycle. This presentation unveils how leveraging LLMs from initial ideation to final deployment transforms agile practices, enriching pair programming, test-driven development, and continuous integration with innovative AI capabilities. Learn to automate and refine development tasks, enhance specification clarity, and boost testing efficiency with ChatGPT, optimizing every phase of agile workflows for superior product quality and...

Bryan Young
Edward Jones

Collaborating Through Silence

Thursday, October 17, 2024 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

"The team doesn't speak up in meetings! They don't participate! What do I do?" I've observed leaders across organizations be frustrated by this. What to do? Just be ok with silence? Make decisions for the team? Here's the thing: silence is not consent. Whether or not people articulate their opinions, everyone has them. As a leader, your role is to help create a supportive, collaborative space where information is shared more openly. So how on earth do you do this? In this combination workshop and talk, attendees will learn two techniques to help facilitate through this challenge, as well...

Jeff Payne

Are AI Assistants the Death of Programmers?

Thursday, October 17, 2024 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

There is a lot of hype about Generative AI automatically creating software applications. Some see this as the death of the software engineering profession, while others believe AI technology will simply help increase the productivity of programmers. The reality is probably somewhere in the middle. This session explores this question and uses demonstrations of commercial and open-source AI assistants to show what is and is not possible with today's GenAI technology. A high-level discussion of how these models work will be included to give the audience some context for what they can and...

Maryna Didkovska
EPAM Systems

Navigating Through AI: The Test Manager's Guide to Staying Relevant

Thursday, October 17, 2024 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

Gen AI and LLM topics are currently on heavy rotation and the IT domain is experiencing highs and lows of excitement regarding performance breakthroughs and fears that software engineers will be replaced by prompts tomorrow. Their concerns are not unreasonable—we can think of code development as language-to-language transformation, but what about the project governance and the managers who were shaping it? Where do they fit in the new AI-based IT world? As a Head of European Quality Engineering Practice in a global company with 50K+ employees, Maryna will share her experiences in dealing...

Vijay Panwar
Panasonic Avionics Corporation

Agile and DevOps Leadership

Thursday, October 17, 2024 - 1:45pm to 2:45pm

In the dynamic landscape of software development, agile and DevOps methodologies have emerged as cornerstones for achieving efficiency, innovation, and customer satisfaction. However, successful implementation requires adept leadership capable of navigating multifaceted challenges. During this session, Vijay will delve into common hurdles faced by leaders in agile and DevOps transformations. For instance, envision a scenario where a large enterprise embraces agile but struggles with traditional hierarchical structures. This creates tension between established protocols and agile's...