Agile + DevOps USA 2024 Concurrent Session : Enhancing Agile and DevOps Practices: Leveraging Postman API Software for Enhanced Testing Efficiency in Tackling Real-World Challenges


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

Enhancing Agile and DevOps Practices: Leveraging Postman API Software for Enhanced Testing Efficiency in Tackling Real-World Challenges

In today's fast-paced software development environment, regression testing stands as a crucial yet resource-intensive endeavor. An instance illustrating the resource-intensive nature of regression testing involved Patrick Gladney's team attempting to conduct tests across 13 distinct production servers. The challenge was compounded by the uncertainty surrounding malfunctioning servers, of which they remained unaware until customer complaints surfaced, indicating an inability to perform transactions within the application. Leveraging his expertise in software testing and cybersecurity, Patrick will demonstrate how integrating Postman API software can optimize regression testing, guaranteeing dependable software deployments. During the session, attendees will gain invaluable insights into overcoming common regression testing challenges, such as time constraints, automating reports, and test suite maintenance. By using real-world examples and practical strategies, Patrick will demonstrate how Postman can be integrated seamlessly into testing workflows, resulting in increased efficiency and test coverage. Furthermore, he will share crucial lessons learned from implementing Postman, emphasizing best practices and proactive approaches to mitigate potential challenges effectively. These pitfalls may encompass managing extensive collections of API requests, ensuring the integrity of data across various test environments, and tackling authentication complexities. By providing actionable insights, this session aims to empower attendees to fully leverage the capabilities of Postman API software within their testing frameworks, particularly concerning web application APIs.

Patrick Gladney
US Army Corps of Engineers

Patrick Gladney is a Research Computer Engineer in the Scientific Software Branch of the Information Technology Laboratory at the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC). He earned his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Mississippi State University and has since dedicated his career to advancing software testing and cybersecurity within a variety of Army and Department of Defense projects. Mr. Gladney specializes in the development of automated software tests and has been instrumental in supporting military planners by providing strategic planning tools and cybersecurity solutions. Mr. Gladney's extensive experience and knowledge make him a great choice to guide conference attendees through the effective use of Postman API software for regression testing.