Agile + DevOps USA 2024 - Agile & DevOps Testing | TechWell

Agile + DevOps USA 2024 - Agile & DevOps Testing

Wednesday, October 16

Shuchi Rastogi
Electronic Arts (EA)

Holistic Testing Strategies in an Agile World: Integrating Shift Left and Shift Right

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - 10:30am to 11:30am

In today's dynamic software development landscape, the pursuit of customer-centric, high-quality products is essential. This session delves into the art of aligning shift-left and shift-right testing strategies to ensure comprehensive and effective validation throughout the software development lifecycle. Explore real-world obstacles encountered by development team in traditional testing, prompting their transition to a modern approach. This transition led to significant improvements in software quality, cost efficiency, and led to a more dependable product delivery. Shuchi will discuss...

Patrick Gladney
US Army Corps of Engineers

Enhancing Agile and DevOps Practices: Leveraging Postman API Software for Enhanced Testing Efficiency in Tackling Real-World Challenges

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

In today's fast-paced software development environment, regression testing stands as a crucial yet resource-intensive endeavor. An instance illustrating the resource-intensive nature of regression testing involved Patrick Gladney's team attempting to conduct tests across 13 distinct production servers. The challenge was compounded by the uncertainty surrounding malfunctioning servers, of which they remained unaware until customer complaints surfaced, indicating an inability to perform transactions within the application. Leveraging his expertise in software testing and cybersecurity...

Aaron Evans
One Shore

Becoming the Bottleneck - Embrace the Challenges of Testing in an Agile Environment

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Testing has a bad reputation for being slow & costly. Speed, price, quality—pick two, right? How can we ensure that testing does not become the bottleneck? We first have admit that we have a problem, and then look at the root causes of why testing is slow and expensive. Among these are: lack of clear requirements and priorities, unclear testing processes and delivery procedures, misaligned goals between product, development, QA, & Ops teams, unreasonable expectations (such as 100% test coverage), inefficient (or unreliable) test automation, lack of ability to parallelize...