Agile + DevOps USA 2024 - Collaborative/ Interactive | TechWell

Agile + DevOps USA 2024 - Collaborative/ Interactive

Thursday, October 17

Bryan Young
Edward Jones

Collaborating Through Silence

Thursday, October 17, 2024 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

"The team doesn't speak up in meetings! They don't participate! What do I do?" I've observed leaders across organizations be frustrated by this. What to do? Just be ok with silence? Make decisions for the team? Here's the thing: silence is not consent. Whether or not people articulate their opinions, everyone has them. As a leader, your role is to help create a supportive, collaborative space where information is shared more openly. So how on earth do you do this? In this combination workshop and talk, attendees will learn two techniques to help facilitate through this challenge, as well...

Chris Knobbe
Edward Jones

Top 10 Lessons I Learned for Leading Agile Teams

Thursday, October 17, 2024 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

As leaders, we need to show up differently when we lead agile teams. Anyone in the room can be a leader, including the person with the actual title, however, the skills and techniques we tap into can be very different. In this session, Chris Knobbe will share the top 10 lessons that she has learned while leading teams and how she taps into those skills to build highly effective teams and team members. Each attendee will leave with a list of experiments to try in the workplace to enable them to build trust, accountability, and be more effective in their leadership. The approach to...