Thursday, November 18, 2021 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

It Takes a Village: How to Be a Better Transformational Leader

Jack Welch said it well: “If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near.” That’s a scary thought when we consider just how quickly the world of technology is innovating and changing. All of us are striving to help our organizations embrace that change and become more innovative, but it’s easier said than done. Legacy technology, leaders with limited experience and perspective, entrenched processes, overworked teams, and rapidly changing regulatory and market conditions all contribute to making transformation incredibly difficult to adopt. Join Lee Eason to hear personal stories and lessons learned over the past 20+ years as a change agent in environments like those. What can you do when confronted with outright opposition to improving things? How do you identify when a key player’s identity is subtly preventing an area from progressing? Learn key skills and techniques you can apply practically to help your company adopt change. See how to utilize tools like relationship maps to help you drive key decisions. Prepare to be personally challenged and inspired to confront your own limitations and get to the next level of your potential as an effective change agent.



Lee Eason
Edward Jones

“Do you know much about computers?” After a moment of consideration, desperate for a job, Lee Eason replied, “I can do anything you need with computers.” As a just graduated History Education major, he knew almost nothing about computers. But what he lacked in experience he made up for with determination and curiosity. That first job at a small furniture plant in Raleigh, NC, launched a 20+ year career that would take Lee through roles as an IT manager, software developer, architect, Agile and DevOps leader, entrepreneur, Chief Technology Officer, and now Director of Digital Branch Experience at Edward Jones. Those roles have spanned several industries including marketing, education, healthcare, and financial technology. His passion for learning and teaching has been central to his success as a leader and change agent. You can read more about Lee on his blog.